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Getting Started with Cloud Computing

Cloud Service Providers (Source : Google Search Results)

Scope of Cloud Computing

As per FortuneBusinessInsights, the global cloud computing market size was valued at $569.31 billion in 2022 & is projected to grow from $677.95 billion in 2023 to $2,432.87 billion by 2030.

No wonder why we have such a crowded space in the cloud service provider domain as depicted in the Google search results.

The three leading cloud computing providers are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and, together, they control about 65% of the global cloud computing market.

AWS is the leading cloud computing provider, with a market share of about 33%.

How to Get Started

Embracing cloud computing is pivotal for modern businesses, and major providers like AWS, Azure, and GCP offer robust solutions.

While a few specialized providers exist, most deliver tools to migrate on-premise data centers to the cloud.

AWS, the industry leader, presents a vast array of services spanning computing, storage, networking, databases, analytics, machine learning, and AI. Azure and GCP follow, each claiming substantial market shares.

Learning any of these key platforms equips you with versatile skills, as services across providers are remarkably similar.

In these tutorials, we will first start with some basics on cloud computing, followed by high-level views of the key groups of the AWS services and then move onto understand their usages and features in more details.