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Essence of AWS in Nutshells

AWS in Nutshell

AWS launched its first web service as Simple Storage Service(S3) way back in 2006. And, riding on the popularity and the simplicity of the usage of it's cloud services, it has ever been growing into a vast ecosystem of useful services. As of 2023, it boasts of over 200 services, catering to the needs of so many business and technological domains.

Navigating these services can feel like exploring a dense jungle. That's why as a beginner or someone who wants to leverage the power of AWS cloud computing, it's essential to have an aerial view —a high-level view first.

The essence of the AWS in Nutshells is all about presenting a big-picture of the AWS services grouped under a few logical modules, so that you can find and relate services that matters to you.

In these modules, we won't dive into every detail. Instead, we'll focus on the logical groups such as compute, storage, network, cost management, governance and so.

Understanding these groups and how their parts work together will give you a solid grasp of AWS without overwhelming you with the specifics.