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What are the benefits of cloud computing ?

Cloud Computing - Benefits and it's Driving Factors

The cloud computing services lets you focus on your primary business by providing a roboust, simplified and flexible IT infrastructure.

These services come with a variety of industry best practices; minimizing the time and effort spent on maintenance while maximizing the opportunities for innovation.

For instance, with cloud services, setting up your database, configuring it's security, scalability, and backup strategies can be effortlessly accomplished through intuitive and guided setups, enabling seamless management.

The Benefits of Cloud Computing

The benefits of cloud computing can be summarized using two broad aspects :

  • The Benefits under the Business Aspects
  • The Benefits under the IT Operational Aspects
1. The Benefits under the Business Aspects :

With a wide range of governance tools and easy to configurable operational tools, cloud computing greatly simplifies our IT infrastructure which results into following direct benefits :

  • Simplified IT infrastructure: The ease of operation in the cloud computing environment allows the business to focus more on it's business and less on it's IT operational complexities.
  • Quicker Starup Time: With simplified infrastructure, getting started on a new project becomes lot quicker compared to traditional environments. It reduces the time and complexities in provisioning servers, setting up the secured environments, replicating environments and so on; all using simpler and configurable tools.
  • Faster Innovation: The cloud computing also, help us innovate faster making the latest tools & technologies readily available for use. For example, AWS provides solutions like AWS EMR, AWS SageMaker where we can easily setup complex bigdata or analytics environments using few simple guided configurations. We can even get many industry specific data for our research form it's data marketplace(AWS Data Exchange). Utilize an array of choices in the analytic and vizualiztion tools, to meet the needs of our business analysts or development teams.
  • Faster Time to Market: Simpler IT infrastructure, enhances our productivity and improves the time-to-market for our newer products or features, providing a significant advantage in the ever competitive market-place.
  • Automation & Continuous Improvement: Better visibility and easy configurable aspect enables us to identify and automate our repetitive processes. Thereby, helping us in our goal towards improved automation and continuous enhancement.
2. The Benefits under the IT Operational Aspects:

The cloud computing environments provide the best of the breed support for our key IT operational aspects such as:

  • Security
  • Cost Efficiency
  • Scalability
  • Availability & Resilience

The cloud computing service providers are the leaders in IT infrastructure management and are known for their constant innovation in handling diverse clients with varying sizes, domains, and needs.

As a result, they are quite well-placed to recommend and provide the best of the breed tools and services to meet our operational needs in all key aspects as mentioned above.

As depicted in the diagram above:

  • They adopt the cutting-edge architecture and design,
  • Provide a plethora of valuable monitoring and optimization tools,
  • Complemented by an extensive array of pluggable tools and services to cater to our diverse needs.